Over Priced Hydration Help

I would like to tell you we bought them for their nutrition, or because they were on sale, or for any reason other than Gracie wanted them, and we were too exhausted to argue.

Now, I won't try to mask this lack luster parenting faux pas with excuses, but will admit that we weren't fearful of a temper tantrum. While we find ourselves embarrassed from time to time, Garren and I agree that giving in to a tantrum is the worst thing we could do as parents. And, there wasn't a threat of a tantrum--she just wanted it, and so we caved.

Gracie's unexpected treat was a pack of juices that had character heads on them. They are called "Tummy Ticklers," and there were three to a pack. They had several license characters to choose from like Clifford, Dragon Tales, Charlie Brown & Sesame Street. Gracie finally decided on Dragon Tales. The juice pack was in a section that was still in the process of being setup, so there wasn't a price and we were too tired to find a scanner. Garren said "how much could they be?" and let Gracie help put them in the cart.

I wasn't paying attention when the lady scanned them, so I remained in the dark about the price. Gracie couldn't wait to have the one with Cassie on it--so I poured half the juice in a juice cup and filled the Cassie container the rest of the way up with water (better for her that way, less sugar). She polished of the juice in no time.

Now we were a little smarter than your average exhausted parent. I read the label and the juice bottles are plastic, dishwasher safe, spill-proof and can be used again and again with less expensive juice. I blog about this not only because of my lapse of a stronger will than my 2 year old, but because if you have as hard of a time getting your child to drink something as I do--these are the ticket.

Today, I have already had to refill Cassie twice-- and it is only noon. Gracie is thrilled to be drinking out of a container that looks more "big girl," and because it has her favorite characters.

Gracie worries me a little, as I struggle to get her to drink. Its not that she doesn't like the juice or even plain water--she just doesn't take the time to stop and get a drink. I invented "juice break," last month and that helps when we stop what we are doing and both get a sip of water or juice.

Now, I knew I needed to know the price of these little juice gems, so I could pass on the helpfulness they have given me in the form of hydrating my little one. Are you ready? Are you sitting down?! Three 8oz juices with character heads at Walmart....$5.95!!! Oh well. It works, and maybe we can mortgage the Clifford ones next time. Hey we don't have to be sticklers all the time :)

PS: As I write this blog entry, Gracie has gone in to the refrigerator several times to switch out characters. A couple sips from Cassie, a few from Zak & Wheezie, and now she is making Ord feel better by drinking from his juice bottle!

**The above picture is of Gracie enjoying her "Cassie juice" and watching the Wonder Pets, bottom picture of the other two characters in the fridge (thought you might want a close up look at what cost me $2 a peice!**

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