She Can't Get Any Bigger, Can She?

Now, I have told you the saga before about what it is like for a mother to go through her child's clothes and pack them away. What made it even harder today was that there were several things she had never worn, and many more that she had only worn once or twice.
The problem isn't just with Gracie's spurts of growth--she is a happy, very healthy child and we are so thankful for that! But, the growths seem to come at smaller and smaller intervals. She basically skipped 4T all together. She was in 3T for several months, and then out of no where she couldn't fit in to 3 or 4T clothes! And now, we find that some of her 5T clothes are too snug or too short! I am all for her growing up big and strong--but come on-- she's not even 2 and a half yet!
I blogged a few weeks back that Gracie was in the 99th percentile for height--I was wrong. I looked at the chart incorrectly. She is "off" the chart for her age. She is several pegs above the 99th percentile in both height and weight. Looking again (and correctly) Gracie is in the 95-99th percentiles for a 36 month old.
I doubt she will break any records at 27 months being 40.5 inches tall, and 36 pounds--but I am really running out of cute clothes! :)
**I think this picture also makes my point about how little space we have in this apartment, though I am a wiz at organization--our vaccum cleaner & ironing board are in Gracie's closet...I rest my case!**
Hey Gracie, It looks like Grandma needs to get busy using the sewing machine again. Also, don't worry, Grandpa and I will take you shopping whether Mommy and Daddy think you "need" things or not!