Mommy's Little Fish

We are finally here! We left Strasburg this morning and we are able to pull into Grandma and Grandpa's by early afternoon. Since Mariah was visiting, I knew that a nap was likely out of the question...but I still had my fingers crossed!
As soon as we pulled in the driveway, mom and Mariah got in the car and we headed out to lunch. I could tell Gracie was past sleepy, and I was able to get my wish when we returned from lunch and Gracie was out in a matter of minutes after putting her down for a nap.
While Gracie napped, Grandma and Mariah lounged around in the pool. Gracie was very excited to join them after she woke up. I thought Gracie may just cling to me while we were in the water like she had the last time we took her swimming. We haven't been in the water as much as we would have like to this summer, so I was grateful for the chance to let Gracie splash around in the pool this week.
I squeezed Gracie into her yellow swim trainer. I am convinced she has grown a great deal in the past 3 days (no kidding!) Anyway, the suit was on and we were in the water and it was if Gracie had transformed in to a fish. She took off by herself, used her little legs to propel her and giggled at splashing water. I was astounded to watch this little toddler who had been very clingy the past few pool trips. Maybe it was Grandma's pool, or maybe because Mariah was in the water. Whatever the reason she was really enjoying herself, and she was getting herself around that pool with out any help. Of course I was always within arms reach, just in case she needed me.
***Notice the huge smile on Gracie's face. She definitely loves the water, and I hope that enthusiasm stays with her!***
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