Countdown To 2007

Last night I decided that we should have a party for New Year's Eve. I found a few craft ideas and got some ideas from Candice for what to fix. Since the neighbors are living up their New Year's Eve at the beach, it was just the 3 of us--but we had fun anyway.
Garren wanted some of his Grandmother's punch, and after trying to find the right recipe, we settled for a frozen mix which I prepared with Ginger Ale tonight. We also had "pigs in a blanket," orange slices, peanuts, and pizza slices. I have also made cupcakes, but I am saving those for later.
This evening we all decorated "shakers" that I made out of empty medicine bottles, dry beans and rice. That was fun especially since daddy and I decorated one too. I even made us all hats for the occasion! But, the real fun will come tonight when we break open the confetti eggs I made. I had heard of this neat idea where you blow out the insides of an egg then fill with confetti and paint the outside. Then you break the egg and the confetti comes out. I am looking forward to doing that tonight.
As for Gracie staying up, the jury is still out, but at this point I don't see it happening!
I will post later to update you on the Shipley Family Countdown To 2007!
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