
There have been a lot of tears in this house lately, evenly divided between Gracie's own personal issues, and the issues of others.

Gracie has been quite the upset little lady for the last week or so. She has been extra cranky, clingy and is brought to tears by the slightest little thing. I am pretty sure this behavior is typical 2 year old, or she may be, as my mom suggests: going through another growth spurt (you wouldn't believe what she is eating again!)

It's more of the tears for others that I wanted to focus on.

It seems our little girl has become quite empathetic to the sorrows of others. While her father and I are quite sensitive ourselves, Gracie seems to really feel their pain. It all started earlier this week while she was half-way watching Dragon Tales. A baby dragon in the episode lost his toy. While she was watching, Gracie kept telling me over and over "oh, no mommy he lost his toy." I noticed that she looked as if she could break in to tears. I reassured her by telling her that we would have to help the other dragons look for the missing toy. That seemed to placate her. That is until hours later when she started crying and was very upset while trying to get out "where is his toy? He lost his toy." These weren't fake tears either--she was very upset. I cuddled her up and reminded her that Ord had found the baby dragon's toy and that he was okay. She wasn't convinced, in fact she cried for several more minutes. This incident is just one of many we have endured this week.

I had noticed about a month ago that Gracie would point out anytime she heard a child crying, whether in a store or the library or on TV. "He's crying momma!" This concern seems to have escalated and I try to comfort her. We talk about what may be making the baby cry and that his or her mommy is probably near by and that the baby will get hugs. This works for the most part, until we find one of those kids who won't stop crying!

I am not concerned by this behavior. I am sure plenty of kids go through this. In fact Mariah (Gracie's cousin) couldn't even watch a Pooh video because Pooh falls and she would become so distraught.

This actually might be a good sign. Maybe Garren and I are teaching her to love others and have concern for someone else. I have no problem raising an empathetic child--but, I do plan to make sure that this doesn't hurt her so much. I think we should all have love and concern for other people, we should pray for them and help when we can, but worrying over them or hurting ourselves will not help anyone.

I just had to document this time in her life, and ask for your prayers as my little toddler goes through a very tumultuous time in her life; it seems nothing is okay, from other kids to things that happen through out her day.

**The crying incodent above was not of empathy, it was over a nap. While a nap may be more understandable since my toddler doesn't want to stop playing...this day she had cried over me asking her to eat her dinner, help me pick up her toys, and when she would "fake" an injury by saying ouch and running to me crying!(This happens several times a day, I always check the obviously fake owie and hug her for a few moments before sending her on her way)**

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