Fun Store!

In addition to searching for a Christmas tree today (read more above), we made a stop into one of Winchester's newest stores.
I wasn't exactly thrilled to take a look around Gander Mountain, but it ended up being neat.
The first thing we saw were ATV's in every size and color. Gracie of course had to sit on each one. There was even one small enough for her to get on with out any help! Each time she would sit down she would start in on the "vroom, vroom!" She remembered the 4-wheeler and Elliott taking her for a ride.
This store had tons of outdoors-y things and Elliott would have spent hours in there I know! (Maybe he and Candice and come visit us soon and we can take him!) If you have one of these stores where you are you know what I am talking about. There were so many canoes and kayaks, they had them bolted to the walls, there were more fishing poles than I have ever seen in one place; including a Barbie one!
We walked around for awhile, and they had some nice warm clothes, but I was ready to go when Garren took Gracie in to the gun section. I only rolled my eyes a few hundred times and muttered "over my dead body will she ever touch one," about 50 times. That is until Garren found a toddler sized pink gun. I was out of there! Garren followed behind laughing at me.
I just had to share our store experience. If for no other reason than because Garren caught some pictures with his camera phone of Gracie on the ATV. The one above she was able to climb on and off herself!
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