Gracie's Wish List

Now that I finished all that rambling, I do want to re-iterate that emailing Santa was fun. I was taking some pictures (your know me!) and I happened to video her requests for Santa. Although I am pretty sure she still doesn't get the whole Santa/Christmas thing--it's pretty cute.

Here was Gracie's email to Santa:

Dear Santa Claus, My name is Gracie. I am a girl and I am already 2 years old!! I live in the great city of Strasburg. Of course, that's in Virginia, United States, but I'll bet you knew that!!

year I've been so good that I should be the angel on top of the tree!Santa Claus, some things I might like for Christmas this year are: Play Dough; Little People play set; and a snowman.

Santa Claus, I almost forgot to say... Thank you for being so nice and sharing presents with
me. I will leave milk and cookies for you and the reindeer.
Love, Gracie

Santa's reply:

Merrrryyyy Christmas Gracie!! Thank you for sending me your email all the way from Strasburg! The Net sure is wonderful because now I never feel lonely all the way up at the North Pole. I can get those wonderful Christmas emails any time of the year now, but it's always special when I get one from you, Gracie.

Well bless my whiskers, Gracie! I still remember bringing you your very first
Christmas present and here you are 2 years old already! I hope you are getting excited about Christmas because I am really looking forward to visiting your home! Rudolph said he's really excited about visiting your home too! I also hear you've been a REALLY REALLY good girl. (Of course, you won't mind if I do a little checking, will you? HO!! Ho!! ho!!).

I'm glad you mentioned the reindeer
because they're all outside playing reindeer games right now. Did you know you can even vote for which reindeer will guide my sleigh this Christmas?

Let's see what you put in your letter for Christmas wishes: 1. play dough; 2. little people play
set and; 3. snowman. HO!! Ho!! ho!! Can I tell you a secret? I thought it might be fun to get Mrs. Claus something just like that for Christmas too! Let's hope the elves can make enough of them for everyone!

Yum! Smells like Mrs. Claus just pulled another batch of cookies out of the oven. HO!! Ho!! ho!! I'll bet she needs help eating them! Take care Gracie and don't forget to come back and visit me here at on Christmas Eve!! And remember... only 5 more sleeps until Christmas!!

All My Love,


PS Gracie also played her first game of Candyland tonight with Garren and I. She actually picked up on the concept about half way through the game. She had a lot of fun, and she actually won. I, of course, took pictures. Check them out in the December folder.

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