"I Do It Myself!"

Now, I recognize that this is a good thing, but it can be bittersweet to stand back and watch task after task.
Her new thing is putting her socks on. She is so proud that she has mastered it; that it seems she constantly takes them off just to put them back on.
Last night Garren and I were promptly shoo-ed out of the bathroom because Gracie wanted to brush her teeth herself. Also on the list of mastered tasks: putting shoes on and taking them off, putting on/taking off her jacket, getting things out of the pantry or refrigerator, the list goes on and on.
I was doing fine with all of these things, and was sharing in the applause when she finished a task, until yesterday when I went to read her a nap time story, and she snatched it from my hands and said "no momma, I do it myself!" Okay, I can handle standing there trying not cringe as it takes 2 minutes for her to brush her teeth, or to hear her go through the steps out loud to take off ones shoes---but, you have to leave me something!!!
I really am proud of my independent toddler, maybe this will mean she will want to go to potty by herself? ;) Here's hoping.
She is such a fast learner, and I still have plenty of duties as a mommy. For every "momma I do it myself," there comes at least 2 "momma he-p!" So, I can hang on for a little longer, I am clearly still needed. As for those stories though, she will just have to learn to share, I still need to read the story every once in a while.
**As I was writing this post, I heard Gracie get her stool we keep in the bathroom, I look over to find her standing on her stool and turning her bedroom light on and off. I snapped this picture that she was only too proud to pose for. I guess there is something else she can do by herself!!! I am so happy for her!***
On the sick front, I can't breathe well, Gracie was up most of the night. Her fever seems to be gone, and no more puking--so that's good. In the meantime we are eating chicken noodle soup, coloring a lot and trying not to get on each others nerves!
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