Missing Something

I would like to blog today about all of the wonderfully Christmasy things our family has done today, but I might come up blank. We do plan to light our Advent wreath and make cookies for Santa, but is still doesn't seem like Christmas.

It may be the unseasonably warm weather and very bright sun, but to me it just hasn't seemed much like Christmas. Garren, Gracie and I have done tons of holiday things and very much enjoyed them. We decorated the tree, I sent out Christmas cards, we decorated, did crafts, and much more.

I think what is missing is church. We haven't been to a single service this month. I guess that's what I needed: to listen to the kids' pageants, watch the Advent candles being lit, sing Christmas carols from the Hymnal, and just be surrounded by the true joy that is Christmas.

We missed out on a lot this month. The first Sunday Garren was so sick, the second it was me, last Sunday we were in Lynchburg and mom felt to bad, and today our Gracie is so miserable we know she couldn't possibly last through a service. Even though the candlelight Christmas Eve services are one of my favorite parts of Christmas, my child and the older people who attend our church are far more important.

I know many may not understand how colds could keep us from attending services, but it can be devistating for an elderly person to catch a simple cold as their immune systems can't fight them off as easily. And poor Gracie, this is the second of three Christmases she has been sick. It isn't anything serious, and she is a real trooper. She woke up with a runny nose on Thursday, and seemed okay, but now you can tell she is pretty miserable.

On the positive side, we are getting ready to bake cookies for Santa and I plan to make everyone put on nice clothes so I can take a family picture in front of the tree, plus I am making chicken casserole for dinner (everyone's favorite). I do hope that the Christmas joy will find it's way to me tonight, after all I have so many things to be thankful for; I have a beautiful family, we have a warm home and food to prepare, not to mention I have a young child that I get to watch live the magic of Christmas morning.

Despite my somewhat lackluster Christmas joy, I do wish all of you and your families a very merry holiday full of love!

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2 Responses to "Missing Something"

  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Don't feel so drab Barbara. We've been to church every Sunday and were even in our church Christmas play. It doesn't feel like Christmas to us either. We have been bored to death! Tomorrow will be just another day except for the fact that we'll open gifts that we (and others)spent way too much money on. I'm ready for it all to be over and get back to work. Our tree comes down (along with all other decorations) tomorrow! I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way! Gracie, we hope you feel better.

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Merry Christmas Eve! I read your blog and just posted one myself. Can you send me your recipe for Chicken casserole? While I am in the cooking spirit since I have time, I may try it. I already made ginger cookies and chocolate chip zucchini bread tonight.

    Have fun!


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