Grandpa's Birthday Surprise

We decided to forgo the usual "black" theme and found a new way to celebrate 50--by reliving the 50's. Mom and I found some neat 50's sock-hop style decorations, and even some party napkins that had a 1957 Chevy on them; Grandpa's dream car, and the car made the year he was born.
Mariah hid as Grandpa walked up the ramp. She tried to get Gracie to hide to, but little Miss No-Nap would have nothing to do with that. Grandpa got quite a welcome, as well as plenty of birthday hugs and kisses. We didn't wait long after his arrival to wisk him off to his birthday dinner at the Chinese restaurant. I mention the dinner to explain the picture above. We all had a wonderful dinner, and mom and Mariah had secretly told the waitress it was Grandpa's birthday. At the end of the meal our waitress comes to the table with a beautiful plate of vegetables skillfully cut and arranged to what looked like a lobster (mom says it was a dragon--whatever), and a small cake with a candle. The music over the loudspeaker played Happy Birthday and we all sang. I started to notice Gracie's lip was quivering. When we finished singing and the whole restaurant clapped, Gracie let out the biggest howl followed by extremely loud sobs. The other patrons started to laugh after we all did. Grandpa scooped her up and gave her some hugs. When she dried her tears he let her and Mariah help blow out the candles. Then she was ready to eat the cake. It was so funny! I guess she got embarrassed because the whole place was staring at our table? Who knows.
After dinner we had another celebration with an ice cream cake and "presents." I put that in quotes, because besides the handmade cards Gracie and Mariah made, he received My Little Ponies and a Little People set. Apparently at Grandma's you get gifts when it some one else's birthday! You can probably tell that Grandma did the shopping!
It was a very fun evening, and a birthday celebration I am sure Grandpa will NEVER forget!
PS: Grandpa turns 50 on Sunday, January 21st.

**Top: Gracie dries her tears in Grandpa's lap. Below: Birthday hugs from Gracie and Mariah**
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