Sad House, Sad Baby
Garren and I spent the day cleaning up and putting away the Christmas decorations, and Gracie did not handle it well.
She wasn't the only one. I had it so festive and warm and Christmasy in here. If you don't believe me check out the pictures I took of our decorations! Anyway, when we took everything out the apartment looked very bare.
Gracie had been out of sorts for over a week now, as I have mentioned before. She had been crying a lot and just very whinny and clingy--this de-Christmasing project didn't help. While Garren and I took things down and wrapped them up, Gracie seemed to be in the middle of everything. We did all we could to be patient, but with breakables and boxes and her temper tantrums I wasn't sure we were going to make it.
I put her down for a nap and Garren and I decided to have everything back to normal by the time she woke up. Unfortunately she only took a 45 minute nap and was quite distraught to see that the tree was gone.
Garren vacuumed up the the overwhelming amount of tree needles and I carted the things to the storage unit downstairs and then we had some baby cuddle time.
I guess that not liking change will run in the family. Gracie is doing better now, and seems to be coping with the end of Christmas since we have told her there are many more things to come in the new her birthday.
She wasn't the only one. I had it so festive and warm and Christmasy in here. If you don't believe me check out the pictures I took of our decorations! Anyway, when we took everything out the apartment looked very bare.
Gracie had been out of sorts for over a week now, as I have mentioned before. She had been crying a lot and just very whinny and clingy--this de-Christmasing project didn't help. While Garren and I took things down and wrapped them up, Gracie seemed to be in the middle of everything. We did all we could to be patient, but with breakables and boxes and her temper tantrums I wasn't sure we were going to make it.
I put her down for a nap and Garren and I decided to have everything back to normal by the time she woke up. Unfortunately she only took a 45 minute nap and was quite distraught to see that the tree was gone.
I guess that not liking change will run in the family. Gracie is doing better now, and seems to be coping with the end of Christmas since we have told her there are many more things to come in the new her birthday.
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