Something Cute
Okay the quiz made you register and all that, I will list the questions and the anwers and you can see how well you did!
1. What Is Gracie's First Name?
a. Barbara
b. Grace
c. Tina
d. Tabitha
The Answers
1) d Tabitha
2) c March 5, 2004
3) b. Hazel (Garren says brown, but look deep, you will see the speckles of green!)
4) c Lambie
5) a Ballet
6) b Ariel
7) c 2 years
8) a or d (I say fruities, Garren says popcorn--since she loves both you can count either answer correct)
9) a clifford
10) d The Three Little Kittens
4 or less correct: you don't know much about our little angel, but stick around and keep reading the blog and I am sure you will find her to be a doll!
5-7 correct; you are just starting to get to know our Gracie, we hope you find her as fascinating as we do!
8-10 correct: yea, you're a real Gracie fan! WE hope that we know you just as well!
I was having a bad day, and I found this on a classmates website, and it was such a cute idea. It's just for fun, so take the quiz and see how well you know Gracie, and don't fret know one knows her like me!

Create your own Friend Quiz here
Okay the quiz made you register and all that, I will list the questions and the anwers and you can see how well you did!
1. What Is Gracie's First Name?
a. Barbara
b. Grace
c. Tina
d. Tabitha
2. What Is Gracie's Birthdate? |
a. March 2, 2005 |
b. March 6, 2003 |
c. March 5, 2004 |
d. March 8, 2004 |
3. What Color Are Gracie's Eyes? |
a. Brown |
b. Hazel |
c. Blue |
4. Which Is Gracie's All Time Favorite Stuffy? |
a. Dora |
b. Mumble |
c. Lambie |
d. Clifford |
5. What Is Gracie's Favorite Sport? |
a. Ballet |
b. Football |
c. Swimming |
d. Soccor |
6. Which Is Gracie's Favorite Princess? |
a. Snow White |
b. Ariel |
c. Cinderella |
d. Aurora |
7. How Old Was Gracie When She Got Her First Haircut? |
a. 18 months |
b. 1 year |
c. 2 years |
d. 3 years |
8. What Is Gracie's Favorite Snack? |
a. Popcorn |
b. Pretzels |
c. Shredded Wheat |
d. Fruties |
9. Gracie's Best Friend Is... |
a. Clifford |
b. Dora |
c. Mumble |
d. Lambie |
10. Gracie's Favorite Book |
a. Peter Rabbit |
b. The Very Hungry Caterpillar |
c. Runaway Bunny |
d. Three Little Kittens |
The Answers
1) d Tabitha
2) c March 5, 2004
3) b. Hazel (Garren says brown, but look deep, you will see the speckles of green!)
4) c Lambie
5) a Ballet
6) b Ariel
7) c 2 years
8) a or d (I say fruities, Garren says popcorn--since she loves both you can count either answer correct)
9) a clifford
10) d The Three Little Kittens
4 or less correct: you don't know much about our little angel, but stick around and keep reading the blog and I am sure you will find her to be a doll!
8-10 correct: yea, you're a real Gracie fan! WE hope that we know you just as well!
I was having a bad day, and I found this on a classmates website, and it was such a cute idea. It's just for fun, so take the quiz and see how well you know Gracie, and don't fret know one knows her like me!
How Well Do You Know Gracie?
Create your own Friend Quiz here
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