You've Got To Be Kidding Me!

The sky is overcast and gray, but every window and door in our humble abode is open and the air conditioner kicks on for a moment or two when the breeze stops blowing. It is 65 degrees in Strasburg, VA on January 14th!
While I am confused by all this on again, off again weather (I mean we got HUGE snowflakes Wednesday), I am not one to let it go to waste. I opened the door and let Gracie feel the spring like temperatures. She then asked if she could do chalk. I told her to have at it.
She seemed to have a good time playing outside. So much so that she asked for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the "terrace." Actually, she sat at the patio table and said "peanut butter sandwich?" So, I fixed one.
Garren says the warm trend won't stay long. It is supposed to cool off this week.
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