Potty Success (Knock On Wood!)

The Shipley Potty Success Method:

1. Start training child at 20 months, be over joyed when you get some results and fool yourself in to thinking it will be easy and that your child is gifted and will be trained before she reaches 2.

2. Agree that she is too young after several months of lack luster results and decide to try after she turns two.

3. Start talking about being a big girl, purchase little girl underwear to entice toddler in to starting to train again.

4. Spend fortune in training pants that get minimal results.

5. Watch frustrated as 2 year old cries and fusses over the mention of potty or trying to potty.

6. Give up for a while and go back to diapers to save some money since the training pants don't hold much.

7. Sit in despair as you face the reality that your child may still need diapers in college.

8. One random weekend mention big girl underwear and let 3 year old wear them for fun. Watch as child manages to get the concept in a matter of days!!!

Leave it to my child to "get it" in a matter of days when it comes to potty training. Its enough to make you bang your head against a hard surface. All the work and time and money, and it clicks this weekend in her head. Although, I must admit that I think Gracie could have done it back when we first started, but she is the type that will do things when she wants to.

This Saturday, we put big girl underwear on her after her bath since bedtime was just 45 minutes away. She seemed excited since I let her pick out the ones she wanted to wear. That night she stayed dry until bedtime when she got a diaper. On Sunday we let her wear the underwear all day. There were a few accidents, but we would make it to the bathroom before I had to clean the carpet. She didn't seem discouraged, so we kept it up. She only got a diaper on Sunday for nap time and bedtime. On Monday with Emma here, I didn't even attempt the underwear (a mistake I know, consistency is key). Yesterday (Tuesday) I put underwear on her after she got up. 3 days after the first time she puts on big girl underwear, she is telling us when she has to potty, and each time she is doing it! Out of the 5 times she went potty-- she got wet twice. I would say those are good odds!

Each time she potties she is getting rewarded.

So what have we learned? The correct answer was "just put the underwear on her." I got that advice from some moms, but as a person who rents an apartment with carpet I wasn't thrilled with that idea. But it worked for Gracie. That and giving her privacy while she pottied. I guess there is nothing like the pressure of trying to "go" while mommy or daddy sit in there with you. We really found success with letting her go by herself (after we helped her get on her potty). Couple all of that with sweet treats and we are well on our way to "no more diapers."

I am so happy for Gracie!!! And as proud as a mother of a gifted child can be ;) I plan to throw her a potty party very soon. I will let you know when so you can send potty congratulations if you would like.

I knew she could do it, and part of me wants to find the phone numbers of all the people who scoffed at Gracie still being in diapers and tout, but I am bigger than that--and I know most of them didn't mean harm. So, I will merely bask in the glow of another milestone for my precious "big girl!"

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1 Response to "Potty Success (Knock On Wood!)"

  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    BJ, hooray for Gracie and the potty! Tell her congrats for us.


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