Gracie's First Circus

We took Gracie to her first circus this afternoon, and I am not sure who was more excited: Gracie or me! I haven't been to a circus since I was a child and I was looking forward to sharing the experience.
After the long line to get tickets, finding the seats, and the long wait until the performance began we finally got to see some action. Gracie had been excellent all day, but the excitement hindered her ability to take a nap apparently. So, she's already tired, but still very good. We oohed and ahhed over the tigers and acrobats, she laughed at the clowns, but an hour in to the evening she can't sit still. At this point she is asking to get back in to the stroller. Luckily the ring master announces its the end of the first half and there is a intermission.
We decide to take Gracie to the car for a fresh diaper. She keeps holding her bottom and was looking uncomfortable. I put her in a diaper because I doubted she would go potty in a portable toilet. Anyway, we get to the car and change her and she is still antsy. Garren insists that she is too tired and we should just go. The fact that I just spent $40 on circus tickets is blaring in my mind and I am not so willing to just walk away. Gracie seems to want to go back to the circus, but wants to ride in the stroller, and we had planned to leave it in the car because it won't roll over the gravel very well. At this point Garren jumps in and tells Gracie he will get her an ice cream. She goes for that. So we load in the car and walk away from the second half of the once-a-year-$40-event.
While I am very disappointed, the second half would likely have consisted of her fidgeting even more as well as complaining. I guess that all parents have dealt with this at some point, or deal with this a lot. See, we don't spend a lot of money on family entertainment, we are happy finding cheap things to do or spending time at the park--so this was a shock for me. And, Garren is right: she did have a great time at the circus and she wasn't really aware that she missed out on another hour of fun.
We did get Gracie some ice cream at the Dairy Queen, and to make the mommy feel better we went to the carnival that we spotted across from the Dairy Queen (it was also there for Apple Blossom).
Gracie wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel and we decided to splurge some more ($1 a ticket! And 3 tickets per person per ride!!! ). Gracie had an awesome time. Garren took her up and I snapped a ton of pictures. He said she loved every minute and wasn't scared at all. My little daredevil. After the ride we walked around the fairgrounds and watched all the other rides and games. I got a funnel cake and we headed home after a very long, and very expensive day.

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