Must Read Children's Books

Gracie and I are on a mission this summer, to read (or re-read) this list of the 50 must read children's books. Our library sponsors a reading incentive plan for the summer and we take part every year, but this summer, I thought we would challenge ourselves to venture beyond the books that mommy picks out because of the pretty pictures. I found this list on a christian mom's site and I am quite excited to get started. I thought since many other mothers read my blog as well, they may want to take a glance.

Have you read any of these? Were they your favorites? We would love to get comments about our list, and maybe you can help spark more discussion after we finish reading it!!!

I'll change them to red when we have read/re-read them.

Birth–3 Years

Best Word Book Ever, Richard Scarry

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Bill Martin, Jr.,

Caps for Sale,

Esphyr Slobodkina

Chicken Soup with Rice, Maurice Sendak

Good Dog, Carl, Alexandra Day

Goodnight Moon, Margaret Wise Brown

The Lost Sheep
Nick Butterworth

"More More More" Said the Baby, Vera B. Williams

Noisy Nora
Rosemary Wells

On Mother’s Lap,
Ann Herbert Scott,

Pat the Bunny,
Dorothy Kunhardt

Read-Aloud Bible Stories,
Volumes 1-4,
Ella K. Lindvall,

The Runaway Bunny, Margaret Wise Brown

Shoes, Elizabeth Winthrop

The Toddler’s Bible,
V. Gilbert Beers

The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Eric Carle

3–5 Years

Bedtime for Frances, Russell Hoban

The Cat in the Hat,

Dr. Seuss

Don Freeman

Giant Steps for Little People,
Kenneth N. Taylor

Go, Dog, Go,
Philip D. Eastman

Ira Sleeps Over,
Bernard Waber

Just in Case You Ever Wonder, Max Lucado

The Little Engine That Could, Watty Piper

The Little Red Hen, various authors since 1942

Ludwig Bemelmans

Make Way for the Ducklings,

Robert McCloskey

Millions of Cats,
Wanda Gág

Noah’s Ark, Peter Spier

Peter’s Chair,
Ezra Jack Keats

The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy, Jane Thayer

The Rainbow Fish, Marcus Pfister

Stone Soup,
Ann McGovern

Where the Wild Things Are, Maurice Sendak

5–7 Years

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, Judith Viorst

Blueberries for Sal, Robert McCloskey

A Chair for My Mother, Vera B. Williams

Frog and Toad Are Friends, Arnold Lobel

George Shrinks,
William Joyce

Goops and How to Be Them, Gelett Burgess

Harold and the Purple Crayon,
Crockett Johnson

The Hole in the Dike, retold by Norma Green

Least of All,
Carol Purdy

The Little House, Virginia Lee Burton

Little People in Tough Spots: Bible Answers for Young Children,
V. Gilbert Beers

Ox-Cart Man, Donald Hall

People, Peter Spier

The Story about Ping, Marjorie Flack

The Story of Ferdinand, Munro Leaf

The Year at Maple Hill Farm,

Alice and Martin Provensen

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