7 Years Together

I decided maybe we needed a picture so we could look back when we are 80 and think; "hey we didn't look that bad."

I really don't like the picture of the two of us, but the whole family one isn't that bad. I always glow when I have my whole family together.

I snapped this picture after church, and after I slipped down the stairs and really hurt my foot. I don't think it is broken, but it hurts A-LOT.

Oh, and thank you mom and Candice for the e-cards for our anniversary yesterday. It is nice to be remembered.

2 Responses to "7 Years Together"

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I hope your foot feels better!

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I hope you had a happy anniversary. It seems just like yesterday that I was setting you two up on your first date. :)


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