A Daddy Related Crisis
**Gracie enjoys her first real see-saw during a brief, infernally hot trip to Marker Miller Farm Market near Winchester. Daddy managed to operate the cell phone camera and see saw all at once before heading into the 95 degree orchards to pick hot apples. Gracie was more interested in the playground.
It takes a lot to really, truly rattle me.
I've gone toe-to-toe with Congressmen and Senators, walked into rooms full of people who'd like nothing better than to see me carted off in a box, and ducked more than my share of bullets. But this past week, I got rattled real good.
Gracie went to school.
The 8 lbs. bundle I carried home in March 2004, that slept on my chest tucked under my chin, that used to make no noise at all other than a little bitty squeak, is going to pre-school. Thus, my world has spun off its axis, and Daddy is adjusting to a new reality.
I know she's enjoying it, learning vital skills and giving Mommy well-deserved break for a few hours a week, but the realization that my little girl is old enough to go somewhere else on her own for a while is startling and humbling at the same time.
Fortunately, some things haven't changed. Gracie still likes football, as long as the popcorn holds out. And sure enough, this music still gets her attention, just like it grabbed mine when I was her age, eating popcorn on the couch with my Dad.
In an unrelated matter, we're headed to the beach later this week now that Gabrielle has headed toward Europe... that got me to thinking about some of the sights and sounds I never quite get around to posting here.

**Jerry Falwell's legacy, in part. A giant Liberty University logo carved into Candler's Mountain overlooking Lynchburg... you tell people these things, but they never believe you until you show them a picture.

** Cap'n Billy's seafood wagon, a Friday afternoon staple of the northern Shenandoah Valley... think of it as a fireworks bus, but for seafood...
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