Halloween Haul

Gracie has been severely spoiled tonight as she brought home a canvas bag, to heavy for her to lift, home from trick or treating.
Garren scouted out a very well-to-do neighborhood, and they certainly didn't skimp on the candy. Since we live in an apartment, she has to go else where for goodies. This is the first year we have roamed the streets in Strasburg. Usually we go to Lynchburg, but we didn't want Gracie to miss tumble tots and a day of school, plus Mariah is out of town. I am sure Grandma is sadly passing out her goodies tonight without a cute black kitty.
Yes, I only let her have 2 pieces of candy. It is late, and sugar runs through our child like a drug!! We had pizza for dinner, she got cookies at Tumble Tots, and she had cool aid today. That is enough! She has had a great time and gotten sugary bites all week.
We hope you each had a Happy Halloween and tons of fun either trick or treating, or watching the adorable tricksters.
More pictures here.
ONLY 2 PIECES!!!!!!!! I sure played a pretty good trick tonight. I'll have to tell you about it. I'm off to eat another bag of candy! I'll probably puke by bus duty time in the morning...I've ate so much candy! I love Halloween!!!! It's a good thing I don't have a kid! I still say that Halloween is way more fun than Christmas! I'm glad that Gracie had a good time. I also bet that I know 2 adults that will be raiding a toddler's candy! Enjoy the chocolate! I got my share of goodies tonight too. I'll tell you how later.