Another Reason I Want Out

The front of my apartment complex is in the paper this morning--front page.

Gracie and several people we know have been the subject of a photo several times over the past 4 years, as Garren has needed. I think Rich has been in our apartment more times than my in laws.

This time though, I didn't want to be apart of the story.

It's no secret that I want out of the apartment. It's too small, there is no room for Gracie to play, I am not thrilled with the habits of my other neighbors (smoking, and who knows what else). But today, I have a whole new reason for wanting to be anywhere else.

The little boy who moved in a few months ago is five years old, and what happened to him this weekend, has given me a whole new reason to worry.... and move away.

You can read the story here.

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2 Responses to "Another Reason I Want Out"

  1. Good grief! So scary! Yikes! I hope he is okay and that your apartment complex is much less notorious...and that you are able to move out soon!

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I'm glad Mommy and Gracie were OK while daddy was in TN. I don't think I could have left them after this incident.


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