
I am feeling proud of myself as I type this blog post, but several hours ago I was feeling pretty low about neglecting my stay at home mom duties.

A friend of mine asked me for some tips on things to do with her older child while she was on maternity leave, and I have to say it made my day. No one has ever asked me for ideas, and it made me feel like maybe I had something to offer.

Anyway, as I listed some of the super fun things I have thought up through the years to do with Gracie, I realized it had been a long time since I really made an effort to make play special. Don't get me wrong, we do plenty of things together, but I must admit as the days go on and the laundry piles up and the dishes multiply it is easy to put Gracie on hold to catch up what needs to be done.

I think the culprit is Gracie's independence. She no longer needs constant attention. She can do things for herself, and despite the fact that she is always begging for a 24 hour playmate (me), I know I can leave her to her own devices.

Gracie and I are different in that capacity though. I would play for hours in my own imaginary world. Gracie on the other hand needs to be entertained at all times. Thousands of times a day I hear "Mommy, play with me." That pulls at the heart strings. It would be different if I hadn't done pretend grocery store, dressed ponies, and put together puzzles for the last hour.

I guess with the looming housework and Gracie's abilities, I have cut short the job of being at home. I don't think my job as a stay at home mom is defined as merely keeping my child alive for 24 hours at a time. It goes beyond that. I am her teacher, her playmate, her example, and much more. I take my responsibilities seriously, and I am very disappointed in my slacker attitude lately.

So, tomorrow we are going on a treasure hunt. I have made a "treasure chest" (the dish towel drawer), and there are 8 clues to find the "treasure" (granooda bars and fruities and plastic jewelry). I have made a map and placed it next to her seat so she will see it first thing in the morning.

I know she is going to have a blast!!

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3 Responses to "Neglected"

  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Barbara, you are not "neglecting duties". Gracie is so blessed to be able to spend so much quality time with you. Yes, it is good to do things with her. It is also good for her to do things with others, and learn on her own. You are doing a great job of raising Gracie! Stop worrying! I'll let you know when you do something wrong ;)

  2. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Gracie is NOT neglected. I don't know any one that spend as much time with their child as you! I'm serious. I am not good at that pretend play either. You should not feel guilty at all!

  3. good for you. you set a wonderufl example for the rest of us! i always get so many great ideas from your blog!


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