Sunny Day

Gracie and her preschool pals painted suns today with very bright and glittery yellow paint. How do I know? She came home with it in her hair and on her dress. I asked if they wore smocks to pain today, and Gracie said "no." This is only the second time all year that Gracie has come home with paint on her or her clothes. The hair doesn't surprise me, she is famous for scratching her head of smoothing hair away from her ears while her hands are covered in paint, food, etc.

Snack was cheese crackers and apple juice. She was quite a mess between the cheese mouth, juice mustache, and yellow spatters. But, everyone still thought she was adorable as we headed to the Fellowship Hall in the church after we picked her up. Today was town elections, and you know how Garren is about voting. He and Gracie got to use the town's one electronic (computer) voting booth while I managed with the felt tipped pen. :)

I didn't get many more details about school today, but I could tell she had a good time.

Only 5 more classes for her before the school year ends. I am hoping we will have our Kings Dominion tickets by then so we can go and celebrate her first school year. Next year she is in the four year old class and she will go 3 days a week. Nobody mention how much longer until Kindergarten, I can't bear it yet!!

1 Response to "Sunny Day"

  1. Anonymous9:36 PM'll be one of those mamas that sits in the parking lot and cries all day long on the first day of kindergarten. You won't be the first one. (I probably would be too considering that I can't stand to even leave Lucie anywhere).


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