Circus Fun Day

Gracie and I made it a day at the circus.

I have been getting pretty good at coming up with themes for activities to do with her during the day. This one seemed to be a pretty good success.

I made circus themed games, and printed off circus themed activities. We did several crafts, read stories and then put on our own circus. She made quite an impressive high-wire princess I might add. She donned her Aurora costume and flew through the air to much applause.

I am not sure how I can top this one. I have a few other themes in mind like food, the zoo, and a wedding one I need some help with (she is obsessed with weddings, much like I was through most of being a little girl!)

Above; I made popcorn boxes and put capital letters on them. I put lower case on the popcorn and she had to put the right popcorn in the right box. Pretty ingenious huh! Actually, I'll take all the help I can get with those lower case letters--she struggles with them.

Below: Like our carousel? We decorated our own horses with markers and glitter glue and sparkly shapes. I think this was her favorite. As you can see she is dressed up as a "high flying princess." We also let the Little People put on their circus as well.

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4 Responses to "Circus Fun Day"

  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Great idea! It looks like you two are having a lot of fun - and as a bonus learning a little too. keep up good work! (I'm sure the Little People had lots of fun too).

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Looks like you had fun Gracie!

    And to sound like the hillbilly parents from around here...don't fret over the letters...that's the kindergarten teacher's job!!! You don't want the poor child to be too far ahead when she gets to kindergarten. She'll be like some of the ones our teachers talk about that are soooooooo bored because they already know all the stuff the teacher is teaching. Then they start to talk and act out and do cartwheels in the back of the room while the teacher is trying to teach. Don't worry about it.

  3. When I was little I played waitress. That helped me learn to count money.

    My aunt made an apron for me & I would deliver paper plates of pretend food. I had plastic/paper money that my customers paid with.

  4. what a great idea! i love it!!!


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