Stubbornly Refutes That She Hasn't Always Been The Center Of Our World

Gracie: " I like the pictures of your wedding mama."

Mommy: "Oh,thank you Gracie."

Gracie: "Did you hold my hand at your wedding?"

Mommy: "No sweetie, you weren't here yet."

Gracie: "Did you hold me in your lap?"

Daddy: "Gracie wasn't even here yet, you came 4 years later."

Gracie: "I got a big owie and that's why I wasn't there."

Mommy: (chuckling) "You got an owie?"

Gracie: "Yea, I tripped over your big long dress, and I got an owie. And I got in my car and drove home, that's why I missed your wedding." "But, then it was better and I came back."

Mommy: "So, did you like our wedding?"

Gracie: "Oh yea, it was beautiful!"

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4 Responses to "Stubbornly Refutes That She Hasn't Always Been The Center Of Our World"

  1. Hmmm. I think I may have passed her on the interstate that day.

  2. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Ha! And I suppose that she slept through our wedding-oh wait-according to some people...we didn't have a wedding. Anyway it was good for sleeping after some itiot turned the lights out! Maybe Gracie was my flower girl six years ago.

  3. As you can see, Candice is a little bitter, even though her wedding was beautiful and done by candle light. For those of you who attended mine, ours was a disaster--but maybe that was because Gracie wasn't there. Gracie makes everything wonderful! :)

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    That blog was the darned cutest thing ever!!! I love it! She was at your wedding. LOL


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