Aging Not So Gracefully

Have I mentioned lately that I am old! You would think after 7 months I would finally be able to cope with the fact that I am 30. Nope. I cringe when I have to give my age for anything, and man do I hate having to check a new box on forms and questionnaires. But, I better get over it quick because in 5 more months I will be 31. Time marches on and I am not handling it very well...but perhaps I can turn my attention to better milestones for 2008. For example, Gracie turned 4, Garren and I will have been married for 8 years, we are paying less for car insurance. It is a short list, but I know in my heart that this year has been a wonderful one, and so will next year and the year after because I am so blessed.

I never did post this newspaper article that my Aunt Karen gave me..because, well, I didn't want to be 30. But it is kind of neat. I was born in a super small town and this was published in March of this year. Click to make the image larger and then take a look at the 30 years a go section and read at the top of the second column.

And, I am not the only one aging! Most of my friends and classmates turned the big 30 this year. Welcome to the club

Garren: Jan 31
Me: Feb 15
Becky: Feb 19
Shannon: June 3
Heather: July 3
Christy; Sept 5
Sara: Sept 5

Up Next:
Rachel: Sept 26
Katie: Nov 17
Angie: Dec. 19

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4 Responses to "Aging Not So Gracefully"

  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Yeah, well you know how I feel about this Barbara. I dread 30 so bad! Time flies by, and life is sooo short.

  2. Anonymous1:36 PM

    30 isn't so bad. I'll be 33 in December. Before I turned 30 I really dreaded it, but now I wouldn't go back to my teens or 20's for all the money in the world! As my boys get close to being teenagers, I feel for them! It's a tough world to be a young person in these days.

  3. Katie will be pleased that you think she'll be 30 this year!

  4. I will actually be 31 on this year. Oh, well--it's better than the alternative.


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