Another Wonderful Fall Day

Gracie had a good day at preschool today. The class went outside to play with the parachute, and as always the kids love to be outside and to shake the parachute.
Snack today was Cheese-Its and grape juice. I think they are using up their cracker supply. Maybe we will have to pick out a special treat the next time we go grocery shopping.
Ms. Christine wasn't feeling well today, so Ms. Julie came by to help and play. I think all of the kids were glad to see her since she doesn't help out with the four year olds, only the three's.

She also brought home the leaf she made Monday and a picture of a person standing under a rainbow. I asked her who it was and she told me "Papaw Charles." I guess she was thinking of him today since we decided to make him a feel better card after school.
Gracie, I love your denim dress. I also think you did a great job on your leaf. It was very sweet of you to think of Papaw Charles and draw a picture of him. I saw some signs of fall today. The leaves on some of the maple trees are starting to change colors. I'm not sure if snakes are a sign of fall or not, but we have sure seen our share of them in the past few days! I almost stepped on one last night on my walk to the creek!