
Tabitha means "gazelle" in Aramaic. Tabitha in the New Testament was a woman restored to life by Saint Peter. Her name is translated into Greek as Dorcas (see Acts 9:36). As an English name, Tabitha became common after the Protestant Reformation.
Grace means goodwill or Grace of God.To Christians, grace means free salvation from God. In Greek mythology, the three Graces were goddesses of charm, beauty, fertility, nature and creativity - they were normally Aglaia, Thalia and Euphrosyne.

Each child got to decorate a piece of paper with their name on it, and apparently they did a name game. I was fuzzy on the details, but I am guessing each child said their name in a funny way.
Snack today was cheese balls with grape drink. They heard a story, and she couldn't remember who she played with since she played with so many friends.
**Is this not the best picture!! I love it! It was a little chilly here today so she had to wear a sweater to and from school. I sat her down on the stone wall and snapped a picture and it is quickly becoming my favorite!!***

You have such a beautiful name, Gracie! I love your pin that you wore today.