School Apprehension

Gracie has been in a sour mood all afternoon, and out of know where she started to get upset and told us she will miss Grasshopper Green.

It took me a few minutes to realize that she was talking about Kindergarten. Each day when she has come home from preschool she has told me she can't wait to ride the bus. I am guessing the teachers are getting them prepared for Kindergarten already.

Garren was home at the time she made her declaration and decided that the realization of change had set in. They talked about how change can be scary, and I jumped in with all of the fun things she will get to do this year and then all the exciting things that come with Kindergarten (riding the bus, eating lunch at school, recess). It seemed to calm her down a little, but she announced again that she would miss her preschool.

I am no psychiatrist, but I am seeing my child starting to realize things change and people and things go away. Remember that she is still reeling from missing Grandma and Grandpa and we have been talking about all the ways she is a big girl.

So, this afternoon before our walk, I drove her to see what her Elementary School looked like. We drove to the parking lot and saw kids playing outside. She told me she bet there were a lot of desks. She asked other questions too about her friends and cubbies. I told her many of her preschool friends would be in Kindergarten with her, and that I would wait for her when she got on and off the bus. We were about to drive off when she made her crying face and said "but I don't know how to do plus by plus." We talked more about all the things she would learn in Kindergarten like reading and "plus by plus," and many other things. By the time the school was out of sight she was clearly more relaxed and maybe even a little excited, and she was on to deciding which lunch box to pick.

Have I mentioned how sensitive she is?! All of this because she has her father's mind and she can't stop all of the thoughts that roam around up there. On the "plus" side, I have become very good at talking out and showing her ways around her fears and how to conquer them. I pray that God continues to give me that wisdom.

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1 Response to "School Apprehension"

  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Gracie, enjoy your time at your preschool each day. Kindergarten is a long time away still. You will love kindergarten even more than preschool because you get to go to school every day just like I do! You'll love playing on the playground with your friends! Of course, you'll enjoy a bus ride too I suppose. My students love riding the bus.


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