Halloween isn't even here yet, and Gracie is already excited about going to Tennessee next month. She mentioned going yesterday while we were in the car headed to the post office, and I told her maybe we could make a countdown calendar.
Well, we ran out of time yesterday, but this afternoon Gracie and I constructed a countdown turkey.
So, each night she will get to pull off a feather and that will tell her how many days until we go to Tennessee (or as she puts it"...almost to Candice's!")
We aren't really "almost" there, we have 28 days at this point, but I am sure giving her something to look forward to will help the waiting process. Plus, she is looking forward to seeing Mamaw & Papaw too--she just gets excited about seeing Candice & Elliott & Lucie.
We look forward to seeing you too Gracie! I'm just sad that there's no Bible School this time, and that it'll be too cold to go play in Paint Creek. It will also be too cold for you and Lucie to play in the pool together, but I'm sure that Lucie will still be ready to play with you. She's in the living room right now playing all by herself.