This Is NOT Working!

As you can see our little man is less than thrilled about the new feeding schedule. I really have tried to stick to the doctor's suggestion, but after so many days of hearing him scream for food--I just can't keep it up. I can handle a lot of things, but my children being hungry is not one of them. He isn't even 2 weeks old, and he won't set any world records for weight, so I plan to feed him when he needs it, but still to keep an eye on how much and how often he is eating. I don't want him to be unhealthy. It is one of my main goals that my children will never be obese. I won't let them go through what I went through growing up, and what I continue to go through as an adult.
Barbara, The doctors advice is usually "one size fits all". You and Garren know your children better than anyone else. Go with your gut on this, Thomas will be fine.