Two Different Babies

Talking about how adorable they are together, makes me laugh at just how different these two Shipley babies are. They say that your children can be polar opposites, and I don't know if that will stay true; but as far as being infants--they are night and day.
he is a sleep champion,
while she barely slept
Gracie was so interested in everything that she would fight sleep and hated to miss anything, it doesn't take much to knock him out!
he could sleep through a bomb,
while if you sneezed she was awake--again!
Thankfully he can sleep anywhere and on his back, we had to put Gracie in the bed with us and let her sleep on her tummy and watch like hawks so she would get enough rest.
he grunts (A lot!),
while she had the cutest squeak
he cries plenty, and while she was awake most of the time she hardly cried at all
he cries for wet/soiled diapers,
while she couldn't have cared less to sit in her own filth
which made potty training very difficult for her!
although they both hate baths, and he screams when ever he is changed or slightly undressed!
while she barely slept
Gracie was so interested in everything that she would fight sleep and hated to miss anything, it doesn't take much to knock him out!
he could sleep through a bomb,
while if you sneezed she was awake--again!
Thankfully he can sleep anywhere and on his back, we had to put Gracie in the bed with us and let her sleep on her tummy and watch like hawks so she would get enough rest.
he grunts (A lot!),
he cries plenty, and while she was awake most of the time she hardly cried at all
he cries for wet/soiled diapers,
while she couldn't have cared less to sit in her own filth
which made potty training very difficult for her!
although they both hate baths, and he screams when ever he is changed or slightly undressed!
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