Gracie's First Real Birthday Party

10 kids from Gracie's class joined us upstairs for her party. I was so glad that I brought activities! These rambunctious preschoolers were full of sugar and energy. I took Gracie's 2 fishing games, beads and ribbon to make necklaces, and I got wooden fish cutouts to color.
The kids kept themselves pretty busy with the activities and I went around and helped with tying ribbons and encouraging the game goers.
After a while we asked if they wanted pizza. Needless to say we had to wait 10 more minutes for them to finish playing, then they lined up and dug in.

The kids sang again and each grabbed a cupcake, and later got ice cream cups.
This is when I lost the group. One or a few grabbed fallen balloons used for decorations and started the chase. I am not sure how it happened but there were 11 preschoolers chasing one or two kids around and around that fellowship hall squealing and laughing. I stood and watched unsure of what to do. But, their parents were there, and they weren't hurting anything or anybody. And, as one mom pointed out--it wore them out for nap time!
I managed to rangle the kids with the promise of present time. Gracie was the most excited about this.

Several moms laughed (at me I think!) and asked me if I was glad that I didn't do this at my house. I want to thank Candice again for the idea to use the church. Can you imagine if we had met at the pizza parlor like orginially planned!!!
Gracie had fun, but I think this might be the last of her kid parties for a while! Whew! I thought I knew what exhaustion was like, but not until today. Of course she wanted to play with her gifts and was way too excited to sleep--but I am so sleeping tonight!!!
Tomorrow, more birthday fun as Grandma and Grandpa come in for their weekend with her, just the 3 of them.
Gracie, I'm so glad that your party was soooo much fun. You got a light bright! I always loved those things when I was a kid. I'm sure you are enjoying all of your new toys.