Kindergarten Ready

Well, she is all signed up for this fall. My baby is going to be a kindergartner. And, I would like to say I am handling that well--but I would be lying. I am hormonal enough already after just having a baby. Add in the realization my first baby isn't a "baby" anymore and you have one weepy mommy!

Gracie however is super excited about kindergarten. Poor thing decided she was going tomorrow. I continue to remind her that she won't go until fall, and she still has lots of fun things to do at preschool. She reminds me that fall is a long time away. Little does she know it isn't long enough.

Gracie will be in one of....are you ready....NINE kindergarten classes!!! I have no idea how that many 5 year olds are living in this tiny town. They have to be from surrounding areas. Apparently you just have to be a resident of Shenandoah County to go to Sandy Hook Elementary school.

While I am concerned about the amount of kids and how much education and attention she will actually get in a classes of 19 x 9; I am sure she will come out okay, and I will have another year of exciting things to look forward to.

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1 Response to "Kindergarten Ready"

  1. Anonymous5:07 PM

    HOLY COW! NINE! Wow! I thought Mosheim Elementary here was big with 5-6 classes in each grade level. Thank God my school is small. There's only two classes in each grade level. I can't imagine what field trips would be like. Surely they only take half of the kids at a time.


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