Stolen Baby

Okay, she didn't really steal him, and as you can see he isn't complaining :)

Mrs. Ruth, our church's choir director, and the sweetest woman ever, took Thomas for most of the church service today. And, I swear she kept him happier and quieter than I have all week!

We all planned to go to church this morning, but Garren woke up with a migraine. I figured the best thing I could do was take the kids to church and leave him with a quiet house. It wasn't until I was at the car and having to move the car seats from Daddy's car (because he forgot again!!!) that I started to wonder if I would be able to handle this task.

Thomas was asleep when we got to church, as he loves a car ride. But, he was awake about 5 minutes into the service. I held him and he was fine, and even took him up to hear the children's message. That's when Mrs. Ruth scooped him up.

I couldn't help but smile as she bounced him around and patted him and kept him quiet and happy. With 2 grown sons of her own, I am thinking she enjoyed him. When he got fussy during the sermon I passed her a bottle and a spit rag and she fed him. I was nervous about feeding him in church, well because he can burp louder than his daddy! Much to my amazement (and relief) I never heard him burp and they were just across the isle.

By the time the service was over this champion mommy even had him sound asleep.

Have I mentioned how wonderful our church is and all the people in it?!! Gracie adores Mrs. Ruth and she is one of the only people Gracie will give hugs to that isn't in the family. The whole church family has been so wonderful and caring ever since we started going. And how excited they are to see Gracie and what dress she is wearing each Sunday. And they have made such a fuss over Thomas as well.

Oh, and my arm appreciated the break as well. How much less of a uptight mommy I have become the second time around, with Gracie I would even let my own mother take her for too long. Ah, time and experience :)

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