Big Girl, Big Boy

Mommy's big girl.
I can't believe she will be ready for kindergarten in a few short months. She is loving her new bedroom and adores the new house. She mostly likes to play downstairs in our play room. She is the best big sister and will run to him when ever he cries, and most of the time she gets there before me! She could read now if she would only do it, and she is so smart in other areas it scares me. She is still oblivious though. You can ask her to get something that is in plain sight and it will take her 10 minutes to find it. Then she grins and says "ohhh!"

My big boy.
I can't believe it has been 2 months already. Clearly time doesn't move any slower with your second. When he is happy (which isn't often) he loves to make these HUGE grins. He coos and tries to talk to us, but especially to Gracie. He knows when she is in the room and watches her every second. She gets far more smiles and grins than any of us. He LOVES his big sister. He also says "hey" and "hi." At least that's what it sounds like. Since he isn't as big as Gracie was we are still holding on to 0-3 month clothes at nearly 10 weeks, but I feel sure we will be tapping in to the next box pretty soon.

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