
After I dropped Gracie off at school this morning, I went over to the apartment to finish up the very few things that were left to do over there.

I simply had to clean out the fridge, and go through some things in storage. It didn't take too long, and after I went back and picked Gracie up from school I started thinking: that wasn't so hard. Not the labor, well that wasn't so hard either; but leaving that empty apartment.

We lived in those walls for 6 years. Garren started his first day his new job there, we brought both our babies home from the hospital there, I waddled around pregnant on those floors for 18 months there, we had countless fights and countless kisses there, we celebrated 6 anniversaries there, our parents visited us there, Gracie got bumps and bruises there. And still, I walked away without a tear. Me, who cries at just about everything. Me, who hates change. Me who is less than 3 months post pardum and very hormonal!

When I asked Garren about this he simply smiled, and for one of the few times I accepted his answer without question.

Those empty walls didn't make me cry because they weren't our home. Our home went with us.

1 Response to "Gone"

  1. mamaw and papaw1:20 PM

    May God richly bless all of you in your new home!


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