Attatchment Issues

I am still amazed at the way my son has attached himself to his Grandpa. You have never seen two closer buddies.

From the time Thomas was a few weeks old he seemed to recognize dad's voice. And at a few months old he would grin so big at him. Last month when we visited, Grandpa taught Thomas to growl, only he would only growl at dad and no one else. Now he kicks his feet and reaches out for his Grandpa.

Don't get me wrong, he still loves his mommy and I swear he has a word very close to "ma-ma," But, when he hears that booming voice, or that annoying whistle thing dad does, he gets so excited.

Each night at mom and dad's for the past few visits, Thomas has snuggled with his larger than life teddy bear and fallen asleep on his shoulder. He takes milk better from him, he gives him more smiles and giggles, and if you are holding him and his Grandpa comes home from work--look out because he will try to wiggle out of you arms and in to his.

This attatchment is new to me, because Gracie never attatched herself to anyone as a baby--except me. That's probably because I was so attatched to her that I rarely let anyone else get close. (Yeah, yeah I am sure I will have a HUGE therapy bill to pay one of these days...but I digress) So, now that I am a seasoned mommy and a little less obsessive (and annoying) I can really enjoy watching my children interact with others.

Gracie became attached to Grandma in her later years, and somewhat attached to Candice (my best friend in TN). Despite the fact that we haven't seen Candice in a year she talks about her all the time and has even called her on the phone, made her pictures, and sent her emails all without prompting. As for Grandma she is so attached to her that it makes it hard to visit, because by the second or third day she is already thinking and worrying about having to go home. She has her bad days when she misses her so much that she gets mad and wants to know why we don't live closer, and on her not so bad days she wants to call her, or send her a card or wants to know how many days until we visit.

While I am thrilled that my children are so attached to their grandparents (you couldn't blame them, to mom and dad their grand kids are EVERYTHING, and I mean everything, you would think Brian and I were after thoughts!)--I hate that their time with them is limited. But, in a way, it is a good thing. You can take things for granted that you have anytime you want them. Grandma and Grandpa are even more special because time with them is rare and abbreviated.

***Even though I am making the effort to visit at least once a month mom--it's the best I can do, so you will just have to wait and cross of your calendar just like Gracie!****

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3 Responses to "Attatchment Issues"

  1. Candice2:26 PM

    Awwwww! How sweet!

    Grandma, do we need to make you a "countdown" calendar? I think we can do that!

  2. cute! I always love it when my kids find another adult they love... gives me a break...

  3. Grandma8:56 AM

    Grandpa and I really miss our "playmates". Is it time for them to visit again? We truly love our "gifts from God"!


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