Happy Anniversary Candice & Elliott

We are so excited for you as you celebrate 7 years together. And, here is a look back at your wedding--through Gracie's eyes! :)

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3 Responses to "Happy Anniversary Candice & Elliott"

  1. Grandma10:06 AM

    Happy Anniversary Candice & Elliott! I'm so glad Lucy could be present at this one :)

  2. Candice6:04 PM

    Thanks Grandma!

    I commented on this on Facebook when Barbara posted it.

    Gracie did a great job as my wedding director, don't you think? I literally wanted to scream at my own wedding because my bridal book attendant turned the lights out before I even went down the aisle! She was supposed to turn them out as my dad sat down after "giving me away." Uggh!!!

  3. Candice6:05 PM

    Oh yes, our little schnauzer was very well behaved during the wedding! I'm not sure how in the world Gracie got her to stay still that long!


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