This Too Shall Pass

So, this very nice lady comes up to me with this huge smile and tells me that she remembers those days. I blushed and said that she never stops. She had been rambling on and on about all of us starting a rock band. She had picked out a pretend guitar for her treat from the store and was talking a mile a minute about it while I searched through baby clothes.
The woman went on to tell me that it gets better and if it was any consolation it was a sign of high intelligence. I smiled and joked that I hoped something good came of it. She told me her daughter was the same way asking questions and never stopped talking. She is grown now and graduated as valedictorian of her high school class. She also said her husband could barely stand it and would beg her to send her somewhere else. I smiled knowingly, and Gracie kept on talking to me unaware of the woman who talked softly so as not to hurt her feelings. She walked away still smiling.