The Honeymoon Is Over!

My children are acting a little more normal these days, which while is a relief, is also very annoying.

In the beginning Thomas and Gracie adored each other. She took to him far better than most siblings take new a new baby that will surely invade their space and attention. And, for months the adoration continued. People would ask how she was doing and I was thrilled to tell them that she adored her brother, and he clearly adored her. I was a proud mother, but in the back of my mind I kept thinking--"this is too good to be true."

At 7 months, I think the "honeymoon period is over." No longer does Thomas tolerate anything his sister does to him. And, no longer does Gracie find all of his actions oh so cute.

While Gracie still loves her little brother, Thomas finds her hugs and her face in his face not so wonderful anymore. She wants to constantly squish him, and he will let out a "mommy she is touching me!" fuss in a matter of seconds. Of course she looks very innocent and replies "I was just trying to hug him." And then when he cries she decides to soothe him with a "song." A-top-of-the-lungs-shouting-in-his-face with words she made up "song." Which, of course makes him cry louder and then a shouting match ensues.

As for Thomas, he is mobile now (although still not technically crawling he can get where he wants) and he finds all the things she leaves on the floor. You would think that you tore off the head of her favorite doll when she sees him touching her things. Her backpack is the worst culprit. Then of course are her papers or drawings that she "forgets" to put up. He looks at you so very innocent, but there is this tiny little speck of "ha! I told you to stop squishing me!!"

It doesn't take long before they "make up," and they are best friends again, but the proverbial line in the sand is likely not too far off.

All of this behavior is normal, in fact the way those two were before was more in the "uncommon" behavior category. I figure they will have a mix of what Garren and I had. My brother was my baby and he and I were amazingly close all of our lives. Garren tells me he and his sister nearly killed each other on many occasions. So, lets hope for somewhere in between.

But, they are still quite adorable together. He lights up when she gets off the bus, and he tries to wake her up in the morning (by squealing) so she will come and play. She still loves to give him hugs and show him off to everyone. They clearly adore each other--but now they are starting to need some boundaries from each other.

It only gets easier...right? ;)

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2 Responses to "The Honeymoon Is Over!"

  1. Grandma5:06 PM

    yea right! Grandpa and I found the "singing vs shouting" matches very funny. Yes I'm sure with your help Gracie and Thomas will be very good buddies. Keep up the good work!

  2. Candice9:28 PM

    Muhahahaha...I knew it wouldn't last long!!!


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