Long Week

It has been a long second week of school here in Shipley house. Gracie has done well and Thomas and I are adjusting better. I am finding that getting up at the crack of dawn leads to a lot more things getting done around the house, and Thomas is find more peace with his sister gone--well, actually I think he is loving the constant 1 on 1 attention and will fuss if I turn my head away from his direction!
This week Gracie did music, computer & library in between gym days. She told me they did songs for music, and not much for computer. I told her that they would have to learn about the computers first.
In her classroom they worked on letters A-E, to which she did very well. They also made the cutest crafts with Nursery Rhyme themes. They also studied the life of the butterfly and got to watch "The Very Hungry Caterpillar."
It rained on Thursday, but not much. I asked her what they did for recess, but she couldn't remember--just that they didn't get to go outside.
She picked out snacks for her classroom when we went grocery shopping on Wednesday, so I dropped them off Thursday morning at her school. I just went to the front desk and didn't go to her classroom. But, I got a lovely thank you note from her teacher saying the kids loved the Fruit Roll Ups and she appreciated them since they aren't messy.
The bus seems to be still going well for Gracie, and the little friend she made at the bus stop has the same recess time her class does, so they get to play together every day. And she is making more new friends. Last week her "new best school friend" was a little girl named Morgan. This week she was moved to a different table (I have already panicked, emailed the teacher, and received nothing but praises about Gracie and was told she was moved to positively influence other kids), and now she has a new friend. 3 friends in the first 2 weeks of school was more than I could hope for. She is clearly thriving and doing well and I couldn't be more proud.
This new schedule has really kicked all of our tooshy's and Gracie ended up with a slight cold last weekend, which she was so generous to share with Thomas and I. We both woke up with it Tuesday morning. While the kids seemed to get over it pretty quickly, it really lingered with me. But, I think exhaustion from being up all night with Thomas, and then up before 7am with Gracie and then not getting to bed until way too late really wore my body's defenses down. So, there was a great lack in updates; a problem I hope to rectify next week!
**Above: Thomas waits for Gracie to get off the bus***
Congratulations Gracie, on two great weeks of school! Hope your third week is lots of fun too.