Gracie's First Kindergarten Field Trip
Gracie and 17 of her little friends battled 30 mile per hour winds (seriously) to enjoy their first field trip at the apple orchard.
When I arrived at Marker Miller at 9:30am, I was really concerned. It was a beautiful day, but I battled my car the whole way there. Then, as I waited for the bus to arrive I watched as the it blew apples off the trees, wagons out of the "pen,"and mums down the porch. It was some serious wind!
The wind must have also effected the kids bus ride to the orchard as I (along with some other moms & dads) waited until 10:20 for them to arrive (they left at 9:15 and it is only a 25-30 minute ride!!!!)
But, the weather must have known how cute all of these kids were, because almost like magic it seemed to die down not long after we got started.
The kids lined up with their teachers once off the bus. There were 3 classes of Kindergarteners for today's trip (3 classes tomorrow, and the last 3 classes Friday), and there were 3 volunteers from the orchard, so it worked out nicely.
We rotated through the activities. Ms. Orndorff's class started at the apple trees. Since not all of the kids had a parent, they divided up the remaining kids with those adults that were there. Nathan joined Gracie and I for the day. (Although, it was not easy to keep Nathan with our little group! Whew!!)
The kids got to pick 5 apples. Gracie picked 3 red ones, and 2 yellow ones. Nathan got 4 red ones and 1 yellow one. Sounds like a math lesson huh?!
After the apples the kids put their bags in a wagon, and we headed to the pumpkin patch.
The orchard was smart and cut the pumpkins and placed them creatively around the patch for each child to pick one. Of course my child picks the one still attached to the vine. Mommy twisted a little and it came off thankfully.
After picking pumpkins we loaded up on the wagon. There wasn't much space so Gracie ended up on my lap, like most of the kids and their parents. I actually enjoyed holding her. I don't seem to get that option very often anymore.
The kids complained slightly as we bumped along, each asking and asking "where are the pigs?!" Our driver Farmer Brown (yep, seriously!), told the kids they would see cows, and apples, and pumpkins, and pigs. They weren't impressed with the produce and only slightly interested in the cows. "Where are the pigs?!"
We finally got to the pig sty and he stopped the wagon. All of the kids rushed to the side and were thrilled to watch Farmer Brown throw some apples to some pink pigs. Then they all got excited when this VERY large pink pig came out of the woods. I thought I had never seen such a large pig, that is until an even LARGER black pig came out when the farmer threw in a pumpkin. The kids laughed and laughed as the pig got the pumpkin stuck on his nose, and when the 2 pigs started to fight over said pumpkin. Seeing how huge they were, I was relieved when Farmer Brown threw another pumpkin in.
We got back in our seats and finished the ride. Ms. Orndorff wanted a class picutre so we attempted one on the wagon--no dice.
So, I suggested we have the kids line up in front of the pumpkins to try again. Have you ever lined up 18 Kindergarteners? It is like lining up 18 puppies. I stepped in and physically lined them up, but it didn't stay long. I am hoping some other parents got them all in their view finders, because when I got home it was clear that the kids on the end got chopped off.
After the picture we went inside for story time. The kids sat very well behaved and listened to a story about Johnny Appleseed, and then they talked about how an apple grows.
Gracie was much relieved when they announced it was lunch time. She had been complaining about being hungry to me all morning.
This is when mommy gets ditched for the first time. The kids could sit with their parents for lunch. I asked Gracie if she wanted to sit with me or her friends. She said "with my friends."
I sat behind her and ate my lunch in the matching bag I had made for her. I made thumbprint apple trees and hers said "Gracie" and mine said "mommy." She did love that part.
The kids all but choked down their food since the teacher announced that they could go and play after they threw away their trash.
She also told us we could take our kids home with us, but had to sign them out. So, I asked Gracie if she wanted to go home with me, or go back to school and ride the bus home. She wanted to stay. I was crushed and proud all at the same time.
I snapped a few pictures and walked back to my car. Garren was working from home and watching Thomas so I could go with Gracie.
She has grown so much in the few weeks she has been at school. I am so proud, but I am secretly hoping that there are at least a few moments in her day that she misses me at least have as much as I miss her.
Mommy had a great time on the field trip with her Kindergartner.
It sounds like you all had a fun day! I went on a field trip to Briarwood Ranch Monday with my kiddos. We had perfect weather!