Bragging A Little

Besides being Election Day, it was also parent/teacher conference day at Gracie's school.
I was surprised to find a notice in her backpack last week asking us to pick a time. It was clearly a form letter to all parents.
When I was in school, you only went to parent/teacher conference day if you were in trouble! I don't think my parents ever went--well not for me, Brian is likely a whole different story ;)
So, I took it as an initiative to get us parents involved in our kids educations. And, I was chomping a the bit to get a little more insight in to how and what my daughter is doing all day long.
Since Garren will be at the office all day for the election, I had to take her first available appointment so he could watch the kids before he went in to work.
You can imagine my beaming pride as I sat in the very little chair and listened to her teacher.
Mostly we discussed her PALS scores. As I have mentioned, I think this is like a Kindergarten version of the SOL's. I am not positive, but what I am positive about is that Gracie more than excelled!
The benchmark for the fall version of the test was 28. The benchmark for the spring version (that the kids have to reach in order to pass Kindergarten) is an 81. Guess what Gracie got?!!!
An 84! Can you feel my pride beaming through your computer screen!!! My baby could already pass Kindergarten.
And while I couldn't stop smiling, that awful (and very shameful) part of me was thinking--what didn't she get right? And, I hate to admit it, but I was dying to know if she was the highest score in the class. Okay, you can taunt me, but I am a proud mom, and like most proud mom's I am sure that my child is the smartest to ever be born. When you have kids, you will know.
I did come off of my endorphin high and ask about her socialization. As you know my Gracie has been painfully shy for so long. Preschool made the biggest difference with her, and each day she comes home from Kindergarten she has grown even more.
So, I was pleased when she said that she was just fine, and that she even stepped in and played with a little girl who couldn't find anyone to play with that day.
And to top it all off (like I need anything else to be proud of!), Gracie was named one of the most "respectful" Kindergartners!
The school has character traits that they emphasize for all of their students. In September they focused on Respect, and Ms. Orndorff turned Gracie's name in for her class.
I am surprised I walked out of that school this morning, I swear I could have floated!
And, I passed by the very large display in the front of the school that had Gracie's name on it. I couldn't resist. The camera was in the car. So, I went out and got it and came back in and snapped a picture of one of the proudest mommy moments I have.
So, now all of you can be just as proud as I am. Well, probably not, no one could be prouder of her than me.

WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! Go Gracie!!! You should have a celebration of kindergarten success this weekend!!!