Mommy's Little Genuis

With the quick and last minute trip to Tennessee, then spirit week at school and Halloween, the past 10 or so days have flown by, but I can't believe I didn't MAKE time to post this!
Above is a copy of Gracie's 1st ever report card. Well, they call it an interim report--but I am guessing it is the equivalent to a report card in Kindergarten. She got this at the end of her first six weeks in school (the day we left for TN).
I am super proud of my little school girl. I of course knew she was brilliant, but it is nice to see it in black and white ;)
Parent/teacher conferences are Tuesday, so I will get a chance to talk to Gracie's teacher and maybe get a little more info about how she is doing socially. Clearly she is excelling academically. And, I couldn't be more proud!
(Click to enlarge)