More Pride

So, what was it today that set me beaming?
I got to see Gracie in action at school. Well sort of.
Tonight I took Gracie to her school for a special program about reading and Kindergarteners. We had a great time together, and it was so neat to get to spend that quality time together, one on one. It seems like it has been so long since we have had a chance to do that.
The large amount of kids and their parents split in to 3 groups and the kids made books, we learned about how best to help them read, and they worked on sequencing. That is when I got to see Gracie "in action." The teacher for that session had the kids practice putting a story in order. But, first she did some examples on the "Smart Board." This was my first experience with a Smart Board, and if you are an NCIS fan, it is like the big board that McGhee used in LosAngeles in the cross over episode.
Anyway. The teacher asked what came next and Gracie raised her hand! Many kids raised their hands as well, but she picked Gracie. She walked up to the smart board and moved her fingers to get the picture to go in the right order. Then she told what the picture showed.

And, yes, I was the ONLY cheesy mother who took a camera and got pictures of her darling doing all sorts of things--including getting an answer right.
Told you I was proud!
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