First Christmas Eve With Two

I won't lie and tell you it was this picture perfect Holy night--because it was far from it. But, when all is said and done we had a special evening just the four of us...and several good friends.
Gracie sang beautifully tonight in the children's choir at Christmas Eve services. Church wasn't quite the same since we had to once again gather in the Social Hall, but the people and the music made it special, despite the location.
When we got home we cheated a little and ordered Chinese food for dinner. Mommy and Daddy were just too exhausted, and it was delicious!
We watched Christmas specials while we ate, and Thomas napped.
Then, Gracie and I headed in to the kitchen to make some special cookies for Santa. An old friend of mine sent me the cutest idea for reindeer cookies, and they came out super adorable!
We put a few on a plate for Santa, and of course we got plenty of carrots for the reindeer.
Gracie wrote the note for Santa, which was so neat. Thomas wore the Christmas pajamas Gracie wore her first Christmas, and I took millions of pictures.

Daddy and Gracie tracked Santa on NORAD and Gracie got so excited at the idea that the man in red would be here soon.
What a special night Garren and I got to spend with our two little angels.
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