Thomas' First Snow
We got about 5 inches here in Strasburg and I know several others got plenty of the white stuff as well.
No comments on my over-protective instincts and the laundry basket! But, you will be glad to know that Gracie has officially outgrown the basket and I will have to cave on some sort of other SAFE snow device.
Thomas seemed indifferent to the snow, but he LOVED being outside.
It was very close to his nap time so it wasn't the Kodak moment I was looking for. But, I did pull him along the sidewalk in his mommy approved "sled," and he seemed to enjoy it.
Gracie spent her time trying to make snow tracks and attempted a snowman, but she was bundled up so much that she really had a hard time moving at all.
We didn't stay out long, and Thomas wanted to crawl around through the yard, so I took them both in to warm up.
While the snow rained on my parade today--literally--I do hope we get to share some more snow fun with our two kids.
No comments on my over-protective instincts and the laundry basket! But, you will be glad to know that Gracie has officially outgrown the basket and I will have to cave on some sort of other SAFE snow device.
Thomas seemed indifferent to the snow, but he LOVED being outside.
It was very close to his nap time so it wasn't the Kodak moment I was looking for. But, I did pull him along the sidewalk in his mommy approved "sled," and he seemed to enjoy it.
Gracie spent her time trying to make snow tracks and attempted a snowman, but she was bundled up so much that she really had a hard time moving at all.
We didn't stay out long, and Thomas wanted to crawl around through the yard, so I took them both in to warm up.
While the snow rained on my parade today--literally--I do hope we get to share some more snow fun with our two kids.
I won't mention that you are so overprotective that you won't let your kid have a "snowpan" to ride on in the snow. You would have DIED if you'd seen how rough of a little girl I was! I LOVED anything with wheels, and the faster....the better! I remember hanging on TOP of a Cozy Coupe car with my friend INSIDE the car down that big hill behind my parents' house. (starting in the yard behind daddy's cabin and going all the way down to the Dingbats' yard) I'm not quite sure how I survived. My daddy took the training wheels off my new bike that I got for my fourth birthday. I had no choice but to learn to ride that sucker, and I did! I won't get into what happened with the mini-bike (which had motor that was WAY TOO powerful for me as a child). Let's just say that it could have been the end of me!!