Where Has The Time Gone?

It seems like everyone is talking about the past year, and even the past 10 years today...so I figured I might as well jump on the band wagon.

2009 was by far the MOST eventful year of my life. Most people would say the year they became a mother was the biggest, but for me, having two and balancing everything else life handed me this year, was far more of a challenge, and a reward!

In January....we joined the church, celebrated our last month as a family of three, and Garren turned another year older (and wiser)

In February...we welcomed Thomas (Jack Thomas to be exact), I became another year wiser, and we saw a slew of family and friends who all wanted a sneak peek at our new addition.

In March....Gracie turned the big 05, and had her first (and maybe last!) friend birthday party.

In April....we celebrated our first big holiday as a family and Thomas got his first visit to church, and the Easter bunny. And, we decided to MOVE! A bigger place just across the street from our old apartment leaving behind the space where we brought home both of our children from the hospital.

In May...Gracie graduates from preschool. Now we are forced to think about buses and kindergarten and...separation!!!

In June...we have Thomas Christened, another big milestone in his life, and ours.

In July....we take a small break from firsts and big events. We go to Lynchburg and Thomas gets to see fireworks.

In August...we start thinking and preparing for school, we visit Gracie's classroom, meet her teacher and listen intently at Kindergarten Orientation.

In September...I have to say goodbye to my baby. Gracie boards the bus and is off to school and whole new world in Kindergarten. Mommy barely remembers anything else from this month!!! Except, Gracie sings for the first time with the children's choir in church, Thomas goes to his first football game, and mommy & daddy celebrate their 9th wedding anniversary and go out for the first time without kids in oh, 6 years!

In October...the kids get to Trick or Treat in our new neighborhood that actually has kids and houses to beg for candy! This is also Thomas' first Halloween. And, mommy gets to go with Gracie on her first Kindergarten Field Trip!

In November...we travel to Danville to have Thanksgiving with Uncle Brian & Aunt Dawn and the cousits. Also a first as we usually celebrate in TN.

In December...we celebrate our first Christmas as a family of four. We did a million things this month!

Add in post par-tum depression, no sleep, a frazzled mommy, and many other personal "challenges" and we had the makings of a VERY eventful year. But, as it had its many "downs," so to did it have many "ups" as well. We have a new home, a new baby, and we adopted some amazing new "family members" to make life even more blessed.

I guess that is life. As I look back at the past 10 years I smile and wonder how I made it through it all--and I think about how blessed I am to have gotten the chance to do it all.

2000--I graduate from UT, Garren and I get married, I start my first broadcasting job in South Carolina, I get a new job at a new station, we have our first place to call home, and we celebrate our first Christmas together!

2001--we adjust to life as a married couple and not two very strong willed-career oriented individuals (it was a tough adjustment year for us ;)

2002- A drunk driver nearly kills me and turns my world upside down! Garren and I decide that we want a family, and chuck our "no kids ever" policy out the window.

2003--we make the huge decision to move out of Tennessee and Garren takes a job here in Strasburg at the paper. I leave behind my broadcasting career and continue to pray that God will grant us a baby soon. He does--not in our time, but in His.

2004--we welcome Gracie (Tabitha Gracie to be exact) in to our lives, and every thing changes. I am blessed to get to be a mommy and stay at home and spend every moment of her life with her.

2005--more firsts with Gracie, and as a family. We loose Lou, and I struggle to deal with my first ever personal loss in life.

2006--first movie at a theater with Gracie, learning to go potty, learning to ride a tricycle, tea parties with the neighbor girls, and making crafts and learning every day with mommy.

2007--Gracie starts preschool and she and I are forced out of our little hole in the wall and we adapt to life apart for a few hours a day. We make a long trip to a wedding in the middle of a hurricane and leave Gracie behind for one of a VERY FEW times ever in our lives.

2008--Gracie grows and blossoms in school, we slowly but surely start to come out of "hiding," and life in this town is not only bearable, but we can't imagine living and growing any place else! We decide to add to the family and pray once again for a baby. And, again, not in our time, but in His, our prayers are answered. I get a new sister in law and 6 new nieces and nephews all in the same month!

2009--We welcome Thomas (Jack Thomas to be exact) to the family. Gracie becomes a big sister, we move....well, see the above!

What an amazing decade!!

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