Who Is "Ya-Ya?"

Speaking of words (he he), Thomas seems to have a new one. He keeps saying "ya-ya." I have no idea what or likely whom he is talking about.

Daddy is "da-da," I am "ma-ma," and we have heard "A-E" once or twice which we are pretty sure is "Gracie."

Besides "ya-ya," Thomas will say "uh" for "uh-oh" and it is too cute.

And while we are slowly teaching and learning words with Thomas, we have decided to opt for baby sign language to fill in the blanks.

Yes, I thought this was super silly myself until I kept Emma when she was a baby. Kathy was determined to use sign language and Garren and I were astounded at how much easier it was to communicate with her, and for her to tell me what she needed.

I am now a believer and Thomas knows the signs for "eat" and "more." He can even do the sign for "more." He demonstrates the sign for eat by putting his fingers to my mouth instead of his--which makes sense. I put my fingers to my mouth to do the sign for "eat."

I have already had a suggestion that "ya-ya" is a primitive word for "Aunt Ruth," and she is probably right--but if any one else has a suggestion I am all ears :)

4 Responses to "Who Is "Ya-Ya?""

  1. Grandma and Grandpa4:52 PM

    Yes, of course our Grand children are very smart - don't you understand - "Ya-Ya" is "Grandma and Grandpa" ! :)

  2. I was just kidding about "Ya-Ya" meaning Aunt Ruth. I mean, good grief, he's so smart that one day, he's just going to blurt out the whole thing!

  3. Grandma2:05 PM

    O.K., I confess: I added "Grandma". Yes, he really was holding his hands out for Grandpa when he said "Ya-Ya".

  4. teach him bath! it is the cutest sign.. tbhey are all messy from eating and then they sign bath... its really fun!


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