Thanks To The Lord!
I thank God everyday for many things in my life including my family, what is left of my sanity, a wonderful town to live in, amazing teachers, and loving friends.
This morning I praise him for my son's ability to finally sleep through the night!!!
After 14 MONTHS & 2 WEEKS, Thomas made it through the night last night without so much as a peep!
I still struggle myself a bit. I am waking up many, many times a night. I think it is because I am programmed to. It is like I am waiting for him to wake up screaming. I did the same thing the ONE night I got off baby duty when mom and dad kept him last Saturday night. So, hopefully my sleep will improve soon as well, and thus my energy level and attitude.
I can't imagine that this long is "normal" for a child, in fact I am sure it is pretty rare. And, the truth is I probably could have made him "cry it out" many months ago. I have just never been a fan of this method.
The things you do your your children out of love. It was never about the convenience of sleep for me--it was out of devotion to him.
This morning I praise him for my son's ability to finally sleep through the night!!!
After 14 MONTHS & 2 WEEKS, Thomas made it through the night last night without so much as a peep!
I still struggle myself a bit. I am waking up many, many times a night. I think it is because I am programmed to. It is like I am waiting for him to wake up screaming. I did the same thing the ONE night I got off baby duty when mom and dad kept him last Saturday night. So, hopefully my sleep will improve soon as well, and thus my energy level and attitude.
The things you do your your children out of love. It was never about the convenience of sleep for me--it was out of devotion to him.
taylor slept thru the night at 3 for the first time for that reason... congrats to you! find some white noise to help you sleep a bit better!!! carrington has been sleeping all night for almost a month now, i feel like a new person!